Strategic Neighborhood Fund

The Strategic Neighborhood Fund (SNF) was established in 2014 by Invest Detroit and the City of Detroit to catalyze inclusive neighborhood development and public space improvements. 313c shaped the strategy for deploying $40M in three micro-districts in West Village, Live6 and Hubbard Farms.

Building upon the success of multiple pilot projects, 313c worked with Invest Detroit and the City of Detroit to launch SNF 2.0, expanding the fund to 10 neighborhoods and leveraging $130M in additional investment. 

SNF 2.0 created new physical and programmatic standards for revitalizing commercial corridors, parks, streetscapes, and mixed income residential projects across Detroit. Collaborating with local partners has led to inclusive, community informed priorities and tailored strategies to stabilize and grow each unique neighborhood. 

Client: Invest Detroit

313c services: urban design, microdistrict strategy, strategic planning, site assessment, stakeholder outreach, development analysis, public engagement